Tillbaka Nächste Anzeige in Åre Tegefjäll

2 very nice apartments in Åre Tegefjäll

Wohnung zu mieten in Åre Tegefjäll, Jämtland, Schweden

  • Wohnfläche: 95 m²
  • Zimmer Anzahl: 4
  • Betten Anzahl: 8 + 4 Extrabetten
  • Freie Wochen
  •      Hochsaison: 12000 SEK/Woche
  •      Spätsaison: 2500 SEK/Woche
  •      Mittelsaison 1: 10000 SEK/Woche
  •      Mittelsaison 2: 7500 SEK/Woche
  •      Mittelsaison 3: 5000 SEK/Woche
  •      Mittelsaison 4: 3500 SEK/Woche
  • Anreisetag
  • Sonntag


Both apartments are built in 2010/2011 and are in very good standard. And they
are located just a few meters from the skiing area. So you can see it from the
kitchen and livingroom. And in the wintertime the children can use rails and
jumps right outside the livingroom window.

For summer weeks the price is from 250 Euro for the 6 beds apartment (62 square
meters) and 350 Euro for the apartment with 8 beds + 4 extra beds (95

And for the winter period it's from 250-1500 Euro depending of apartment and

For pictures 6 beds apartment: www.kent.tzo.com/ned...

For pictures 8-12 beds apartmet: www.kent.tzo.com
To get a more exact price for the winter weeks (after week 50) just call or
send a email to ask for more details. And we will do our very best to make your
visit in Åre Sweden to the very best.

Best regards
Kent & Monika

Anzeige nr.: 8495

Inserenten kontaktieren

  • Monika Bergroth & Kent Lindberg
  • Monika Bergroth & Kent Lindberg
    Rönnvägen 3
    83254 FRÖSÖN
    Telefon: 063-579191
    Handy: 070-325 25 25
    Homepage: Klicken Sie hier!

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